Legal notice

Terms and conditions

In accordance with the French law n°2004-575 of June 21st on trust in the digital economy, the identification data of the company owning the domain “” are exposed to follow:

  • Corporate name: Les Nuits de Ronsard
  • Tax ID: 50920937500013
  • Share capital: 5.000 €
  • Intra-community VAT number: FR66509209375
  • Registered office: 2 rue Pimbert – 37000 Tours
  • Telephone: 02 47 05 25 36
  • E-mail address:
  • RCS number: Tours B 509 209 375

The user is solely responsible for the use of the services, links and hypertext included on this website. “Les Nuits de Ronsard” is not responsible for the illegitimate use that third parties may make of said material.

Nor “Les Nuits de Ronsard” or any other party involved in the creation, production or supply of this website will be responsible for the damages, costs, losses or direct responsibilities nor the indirect or punitive unforeseen events that could occur due to the access or use of this website.

“Les Nuits de Ronsard” does not guarantee the accuracy of the material contained on this website. Also, “Les Nuits de Ronsard” will not be responsible for the damages or virus that could infect your computer or any other device of yours due to the use or download of any material on the website.

Hosting & design:

This website is hosted and created by:

Company : Mirai España, SL
Registered office : Fuencarral 6, 4º. 28004 Madrid (Espagne)
Email :
Tel : +34 915 913 500
C.I.F. : B80039340


All the audio-visual material, trademarks or any element subject to intellectual or industrial property included on this website belongs to “Les Nuits de Ronsard”, or has enough rights for its use. The reproduction of said material is only allowed exclusively for personal use and any unauthorised modification, copy, rental, loan, transmission or diffusion is strictly prohibited.

Politique de confidentialité

“Les Nuits de Ronsard” informs you that all the personal data received through any form on this website will be handled with the most strict confidentiality in accordance with the entity’s privacy policy as well as with Law “Informatique et Liberté”. This data will be included in a file which is registered at the National Commission for Data Protection “Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés”.

The main purpose of its creation, existence and maintenance is the handling of personal data with the objective of being able to manage the accommodation bookings that are made on this website or to send promotional messages. The recipients of this information are all assigned, registered, holders and contributors of all the departments and associated bodies in which the entity is organised, as well as the official bodies that require the assignment by law. Through the submission of the form, the sender agrees to the automated and documentary data processing of the details included on our database. We may use third-party service providers to process your personal information on our behalf. For example, we may share some information about you with these third parties so that they can contact you directly by email regarding your stay (for example: to obtain post stay reviews about your travel experience). “Les Nuits de Ronsard” informs you that you have the right to access, modify and cancel your details as well as to notify any alteration or modification which may occur. To exercise such rights and any clarification, you can send an e-mail to:


Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on resolving consumer disputes online, Ronsard Hotel informs you that, in the event of a dispute, Users residing in the European Union may go to the “Online Dispute Resolution Platform” developed by the European Commission, in order to attempt to resolve amicably any dispute arising from the provision of services by Ronsard Hotel. To access the “Online Dispute Resolution Platform”, you can do so via the following link:


In accordance with article L221-28 of the French consumer code, the customer is informed that he cannot exercise his right of withdrawal on products such as accommodation services.


Consumers who do not wish to be the subject of commercial canvassing by phone can register free of charge on an opposition list against telephone canvassing. For further information: Bloctel,